Thursday, September 14, 2006

Storms of Doubt (written in 2002)

While thund'ring storms batter me with sharp waves
Of doubt, which buffet my hope with fierce rage,
To thee I'm bid o'er this dark depth of graves,
Stepping near thee with fear of my presage.
Straight forward I hobble wary with fear,
Yet my gaze shifts to fuming waves around,
And as I lose sight of thine eyes so dear,
I sink into the depths joining the drowned.
And while to darkness my mind is shifted,
I descend to black with nary a hope.
Yet to my surprise, upward I'm lifted
By strong arms to which my frantic hands grope.
Then my Lord inquires about my bout,
"O you of little faith, why do you doubt?"

1 comment:

The Nolls said...

Hey Levi!
I just saw your blog for the first time and I'm really impressed! I could read for hours! keep up the good work. ~sb