Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Pursuit of Joy (written in 2004)

Through the fog I stumble o'er paths unclear.
The lights seems far gone and life nowhere near.
My hands grope blindly for a guided way.
My eyes dart searching for the light of day.

Deep in mud I wallow, all hope hath fled.
Pierced by doubt's arrows, my heart is dead.
Past bliss is gone, a mirage of my mind.
Life's ray of cheer, shall I e'er again find?

Far fast from me flee the joys from life here.
Life chokes to death the dreams I hold most dear.

Shall I reap any joy beneath earth's sun?
A voice rings true, "On earth there shall be none!"
Where shall I find this true joy I desire?
"Nowhere on earth. It is a rotting mire."

"You calm peace of heart from God is giv'n.
The pure joy you seek comes from Christ within."
Earth's carnal cheer thrown in the flames I burn.
Pure joy my heart seeks. Unto Christ I turn.

Harsh trials steal not my inner joy away.
Through hope in Christ forever will it stay.

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