Monday, April 07, 2008

A Change in Format

So far, I've chosen to have this blog serve as a virtual soapbox of
sorts. At times I've written semi-meaningful material, but for the
most part I have not composed anything of much value recently.
Furthermore, although the whole "virtual soapbox" thing was intended
to be understood partially tongue-in-cheek, I do not wish for things
of value to be cheapened because of it being expressed under a
platform of pretension and insincerity. I would like this blog to
sincerely and freshly reflect the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of
my heart. In a world filled with a vast array of façades, pretenses,
and cynicism, I would like my blog to be an oasis of honesty,
sincerity, genuineness, and joy. I hope that you will leave reading
my blog having been blessed and encouraged in some way. I would like
to invite you to enter into my thoughts and reflections on life. I
thought I'd begin by posting my reflections from my devotions. I will
make an attempt to do one a day, but in all likelihood that will not
happen, so bear with me. :)

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